Monday, January 16, 2012

Vegas Hair Show 2011 - Installments. Part 1

I came across all the stuff on my phone of the Vegas hair show I went to last year - some of you might remember?

I thought I would post it (even though it's about a half a year old) because Hair Shows really are a lot of fun and I thought you might enjoy seeing what all the fuss is about. To give you an idea of what the whole thing is like.. it is basically the worlds funnest trade show. Booths everywhere of make-up and hair stuff and as you can guess I am like a kid at a candy store when I go, which I am sure surprises no one on this earth...

This was my first experience taking video with my iphone. I do show up in these briefly.  The second video is a little better because I kind of have the hang of it a little better. Enjoy!!

I like the 'style malfunction' in the second video. I think it actually looks good the way it fell down - and the platform artist (that's what the stylists are called at these things) handled it with grace.. Nice job Farouk team!

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